Our teachers know their students and work with them to help them realise their potential as learners. Our focus on authentic learning and authentic assessment ensures that we challenge our students to grow in their learning and achieve their personal best.
Throughout our community of Sydney Catholic schools, we have shown high performance of our students in measures such as NAPLAN and the HSC.
At Holy Family, we celebrate the achievements of our school as a whole and/or individual students.
Within the classroom, students work towards self-identified learning goals. Our students’ achievement in the classroom are recognised within our school community during our fortnightly Gold Award assemblies. As part of our School-wide Positive Behaviour for Learning (SPBL) Program, students receive “Gotchas” to reward positive playground behaviour. We also present students with special prizes for milestone Gotcha achievements at our Gotcha Assemblies.
As a school, we participate in a variety of inter and intra-school activities and competitions. We acknowledge these achievements through assemblies, newsletters and/or awards.